Alexandra Célérault
“Letting go is often perceived as an action to be accomplished, a conscious process. Sometimes, believing in this concept can become an obstacle, preventing us from truly understanding its essence. Contrary to what one might think, letting go does not reside in action but rather in non-action, in a state of being. This state of being is extremely simple. When we hold something in our hand, we exert a grip on that object. By releasing it, we let go of that grip. So, in this act of letting go, what truly happens?
I performed a physical action with my hand, but it is, in reality, an internal action, a state within. I opened, simply stopped holding back, maintaining, staying vigilant, projecting, questioning, and even observing myself. I just opened up. And just by being open, by performing this gesture of inner openness, that's when letting go manifests. I let go of the grip I had, freed my mental grip, my emotional grip.
When we talk about letting go, it's not just about the mind. Within us, there are several grips: our thoughts, projections, beliefs, limits, sometimes narrow visions. There are also our emotional grips: our feelings, wounds, repressed emotions, sometimes even grudges, resentments, reactive desires based on past experiences.
So, letting go is not limited to the mental; it can apply to different aspects of our being. It can also be spiritual, letting go of our quest for spirituality, our awakening, our ascension, our search for perfection. Letting go is not just a word; it is an experience linked to our inner world, our constructions, our identity, our little "I" our little "me".
When something within us wants to let go, it means that our consciousness, our light, our soul, yearns to infuse its light to transcend this small "me" this small "I" This can even lead to a form of fusion between personality and soul.
Living moments where we are encouraged to let go often involves inner resistance. Letting go is difficult because it asks us to jump into the unknown, without a parachute. It means stopping clinging to something, jumping into the void, knowing, controlling, mastering nothing. It even involves accepting not to accept. It's a delicate process because it requires facing a deep fear, the fear of death, emptiness, nothingness. Letting go is akin to experiencing a small death.”
Painting by Bansky
illustration by Laurent Guidali
Translated from French
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