Blaise Pascal Book: Pensées "The two contrary reasons. One must begin there; without that, one understands nothing, and everything is heretical. And even at the end of each truth, it is necessary to add that one remembers the opposite truth." Painting by Mark Spain Translated from French Illustration by Laurent Guidali Www.Etoile.App
Affichage des articles du janvier, 2024
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Blaise Pascal Book: Pensées "None other has known that man is the most excellent creature. Those who truly knew the reality of his excellence considered the natural self-esteem and ingratitude of humans as cowardice. Others, who recognized how effective this baseness is, ridiculed the natural feelings of grandeur in man as absurd pride. 'Lift your eyes to God,' say some; 'see the one you resemble, and who made you to worship. You can make yourself like Him; wisdom will make you equal if you choose to follow it.' And others say to him, 'Lower your eyes to the earth, pitiful worm that you are, and look at the beasts with which you share your existence.' What, then, will become of man? Will he be equal to God or to the beasts? What a terrifying distance! What will we become? Who does not see through all this that man is lost, that he can no longer find himself? And who will guide him? Even the greatest men have been unable to do so." Painting by Yuriy She...
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Vladimir Lenin Speaking of religion in Novaya Zhizn in 1905, alluded to Marx's earlier comments: “Those who toil and live in want all their lives are taught by religion to be submissive and patient while here on earth, and to take comfort in the hope of a heavenly reward. But those who live by the labour of others are taught by religion to practise charity while on earth, thus offering them a very cheap way of justifying their entire existence as exploiters and selling them at a moderate price tickets to well-being in heaven. Religion is opium for the people. Religion is a sort of spiritual booze, in which the slaves of capital drown their human image, their demand for a life more or less worthy of man." Let's break down the main points in the passage: Submission and Patience: The passage suggests that religion teaches those who face hardships and poverty to be submissive and patient in their earthly lives, promising them a reward in the afterlife. This could be interpret...
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Farid ud-Din Attar Book: The Conference of the birds The thirty birds behold the Simorgh: “The souls of the thirty birds dissolve in shame. Then, their bodies turned to dust, they attained Life. Purged of all, detached, liberated, They were revitalized by the brilliance of His glory. The bond that linked them to the Supreme Being Was renewed; taking on a new life. They were amazed by new manners. All their past deeds and all their shortcomings Vanished forever, erased from their hearts. The radiant sun of Proximity Shone from afar and illuminated their beings. Then, in the reflection of the Simorgh of the worlds, They saw, luminous, the sovereign Face. They saw reflected thirty birds, the si morgh. They saw that Simorgh was none other than themselves." Farid al-Din Attar cleverly plays with the Persian word "Simorgh" by dividing it into "Si morgh," literally meaning "thirty birds." This ingenious duality explores the spiritual quest of the thirty bird...
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Friedrich Nietzsche Book: The Gay Science God is dead "God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? What was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bled to death under our knives: who will wipe this blood off us? What water is there for us to clean ourselves? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we have to invent? Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we ourselves not become gods simply to appear worthy of it?" Nietzsche boldly declares, "God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him." This proclamation isn't a literal event but a metaphor for the waning influence of religious beliefs and the erosion of a transcendent moral foundation in Western society. The assertion "we have killed him" intimates that humanity, propelled by advances in science, philosophy, and critical thinking, has dismantled traditional religious authority....
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The concept of the "will to power" “Is a central idea in the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche a 19th-century German thinker. This idea is particularly explored in his work "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" and other philosophical texts. The will to power is not a simple quest for physical power but rather a metaphysical force that governs the entirety of existence according to Nietzsche. Here are some key elements to understand the will to power in Nietzsche: 1. Definition The will to power is the fundamental force that animates all living beings. Nietzsche argues that this will is not merely a search for power over others but an inner force that drives each individual to develop, assert themselves, and fully express their nature. 2. Energetic Perspective: Nietzsche often describes the will to power in terms of energy. It is a creative, dynamic, and affirmative energy that seeks to manifest itself through different forms of existence. This energy is present in all human act...
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Pleasure and Desire “In the intricate fabric of human existence, pleasure and desire emerge as intrinsically linked forces, crafting a subtle ballet within the depths of our behaviors and aspirations. Let's embark on a psychological odyssey, delving into how these two elements intertwine and shape our individual journey. Desire, like an internal compass, guides our actions towards forthcoming horizons. It transcends the simple quest for immediate satisfaction, presenting itself as a time architect. Each desire becomes a promise of deferred happiness, a deliberate anticipation that heralds a richer and deeper pleasure. Pleasure, on the other hand, is the fleeting dance of the moment. It is the immediate reward, the sense of well-being that floods our senses. However, it goes beyond a mere reaction. When enveloped by the elaborate anticipation of desire, pleasure transforms into a more meaningful celebration. It becomes a symphony of prolonged satisfactions, a delight savored through...
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Alexandra Célérault “Letting go is often perceived as an action to be accomplished, a conscious process. Sometimes, believing in this concept can become an obstacle, preventing us from truly understanding its essence. Contrary to what one might think, letting go does not reside in action but rather in non-action, in a state of being. This state of being is extremely simple. When we hold something in our hand, we exert a grip on that object. By releasing it, we let go of that grip. So, in this act of letting go, what truly happens? I performed a physical action with my hand, but it is, in reality, an internal action, a state within. I opened, simply stopped holding back, maintaining, staying vigilant, projecting, questioning, and even observing myself. I just opened up. And just by being open, by performing this gesture of inner openness, that's when letting go manifests. I let go of the grip I had, freed my mental grip, my emotional grip. When we talk about letting go, it's not...
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Corinthians 9:6-8 “Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” The interpretation of this painting: The interpretation of this scene can vary depending on different cultural, artistic, or personal contexts. However, here are some potential symbolic elements: 1 : Old man on the ground with a white fabric garment and a red cape: - The old man may represent wisdom, experience, and the passage of time. - The white fabric garment could symbolize purity, spirituality, or serenity. - The red cape might evoke passion, courage, or even life itself. 2 : Animal carcass in front of him: - The animal c...
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Farid al-Din Attar Book: The Conference of the Birds Temptations: One day, an immature person went to see an ascetic and complained to him about the actions of the devil. "His trickery deceived me and led me astray from the right path and religion." The man responded, "Know, my dear friend, that before you, the devil came to me to complain about you because you afflicted him, and he is upset by your great injustice." Here's what he told me: "This world is my domain; whoever is his enemy is not my concern. So, go tell so-and-so to move on, to wash his hands of this world, which is mine. If I have, without mercy, targeted his faith, it's because he clung to the world, my kingdom. Whoever leaves my domain and renounces for good, I have nothing more to do with him, and I let him go." ℹ️ In Sufism, the pursuit of inner truth, the purification of the soul, and detachment from the material world are central themes. The dialogue between the immature, repre...
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“Although it is challenging to determine the exact figures of malnutrition worldwide, according to the United Nations in 2022, approximately 9% of the world's population, or around 690 million people, experienced chronic hunger. Shockingly, this dire situation leads to approximately 25,000 people dying of hunger-related causes every day, with over 10,000 of these deaths affecting children. When we analyze the yearly impact of these daily deaths, it results in a staggering figure of around 9.13 million people succumbing to hunger annually. Over a decade, the cumulative toll reaches a heartbreaking total of approximately 91.3 million lives lost. These numbers underscore the urgent need for global efforts to address food insecurity, poverty, and malnutrition, as hunger remains a devastating challenge that affects millions of lives worldwide.” (The photograph was taken by South African photojournalist Kevin Carter in Sudan in March 1993. The photo depicts a emaciated girl crouching, wh...
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Etoile "In the cosmic ballet of existence, we are all stardust, born of celestial wonders. Each living species, including our own, traces its origins to the brilliant tapestry of stars. Perhaps, in the grand spectacle of the universe, we should be mindful of our shared celestial heritage a cosmic cradle that birthed us all. Let us not be confined by terrestrial boundaries, nor divided by the lines etched in Earth's soil. Instead, let our gaze transcend the earthly and embrace the unity that threads through the cosmos. Our diversity, akin to the myriad constellations, should be celebrated as a testament to the infinite possibilities woven by the cosmic loom. In the vast expanse of space, our singular maternal connection echoes a timeless melody, a symphony of life that harmonizes across galaxies. As we navigate the cosmic voyage of our existence, let us not forget the interstellar genesis that unites us all. Beyond the superficial distinctions of geography, ethnicity, and cultu...