πŸ“– Sidney Licht - Music in Medicine [πŸ—£️ AUDIOBOOK] πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

πŸ”– FORWARD [0:00] πŸ”– INTRODUCTION [10:54] πŸ”– CHAPTER 1: History of Music in Medicine [36:21] πŸ”– CHAPTER 2: Philosophy and Psychology of Music [1:02:56] πŸ”– CHAPTER 3: Music as Occupational Therapy [1:58:53] πŸ”– CHAPTER 4: Psychiatry And Music [2:29:57] πŸ”– CHAPTER 5: Background Music [2:55:58] πŸ”– CHAPTER 6: Mealtime Music [3:14:09] πŸ”– CHAPTER 7: Music In Bed [3:27:46] πŸ”– CHAPTER 8: Diversion And Entertainment [3:45:02] πŸ”– CHAPTER 9: Public Address System [3:59:45] πŸ”– CHAPTER 10: Equipment and Library [4:08:02] πŸ”– CHAPTER 11: Direction [4:24:46] πŸ““ Sidney Licht - Music in Medicine πŸ“ Type: eDucational book 🎨 Style: 🎡 Music πŸ₯ Medical πŸ’ Health & Fitness πŸ—£️ Read by James R. Hedrick ㊗️ Not Translated πŸ‘©‍🏫 In spite of a spirited rebirth of the movement towards the establishment of a system of healing based on music, there are many valuable uses of music in medicine which might suffer a like fate unless a critical analysis of the worth of music as a therapeutic agent is effected before Musical Therapy reaches the dubious distinction of classification as a healing cult. This book has been written with a view to preserving for medicine that which is good for patients, and in an attempt to aid musicians under medical guidance in using music to help the sick.(Summary by Sidney Licht, M.D.) https://librivox.org/music-in-medicine-by-sidney-licht ✔️ DOWNLOAD Audiobook & Book: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/d7ij9whr9tiwtqq/AACZYIRGwL-5SbVoMAta9K-6a?dl=0 πŸ’‘HOW ? πŸ”½ You don't have to share this link, because the whole (video, book, and audiobook) belongs to the public domain. - Book (πŸ““) = COPY & PASTE [▭▭▭] - Audio Book (πŸ“–) = COPY & PASTE [---] - Video (πŸŽ₯) = COPY & PASTE [~~~] - Image (πŸ–Ό️) = [↕↕↕] β„Ή️ How to use Video ? (©️): https://creativecommons.org/share-your-work/public-domain/pdm β„Ή️ How to use the Book & Audiobook ? (©️): https://creativecommons.org/share-your-work/public-domain/pdm β„Ή️ More Informations: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/20594/20594-readme.txt πŸ“‹ WHAT ? 🌟 Sidney Licht - Music in Medicine πŸ’« Audiobook & Literature & eDition & Book & Medecine & Music World 🌌 Public Domain Audiobook Galaxy ✨ Audiobook (πŸ“–) πŸ“ Type: Audio dictation 🎨 Style: 🎡 Music πŸ₯ Medical πŸ’ Health & Fitness πŸ”Š Language: πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ English (πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ Original in English) πŸ•΅ WHO ? πŸ“‘ Posted by Laurent Guidali πŸ“– Read by James R. Hedrick πŸ“Ό Video by Laurent Guidali πŸŒ… Thumbnail by Laurent Guidali πŸ““Book by Sidney Licht 🎞️Video promoted by eDition πŸ“ΌVideo Link: https://youtu.be/PXvVtTDbGVY ~~~ πŸŽ₯ VIDEO 🀴 Laurent Guidali ⭐ https://Www.Etoile.App ~~~ --- πŸ“– AUDIOBOOK πŸ‘Έ James R. Hedrick πŸ“Œ Librivox: https://librivox.org/reader/16205?primary_key=16205&search_category=reader&search_page=1&search_form=get_results 🀴 Librivox Audio Recording πŸ“Œ Twitter: https://twitter.com/librivox πŸ“Œ Website: https://librivox.org --- ▭▭▭ πŸ““ BOOK 🀴 Sidney Licht ▭▭▭ ↕↕↕ πŸ–Ό️ IMAGES πŸ“Œ 1 & 2 - http://www.otcentennial.org/100-influential-people πŸ“Œ 3 - https://fr.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fichier:Carlo_Saraceni_-_Saint_Cecilia_and_the_Angel_-_WGA20829.jpg πŸ“Œ 4 - https://www.fineartphotographyvideoart.com/2010/09/edgar-allan-poe-and-hasan-saygin-i-miei.html πŸ“Œ 5 - https://voyage-onirique.com/2019/04/07/leonid-afremov-ii πŸ“Œ 6 - https://poesiaspreferidas.wordpress.com/2015/12/10/nao-te-quero-senao-porque-te-quero-pablo-neruda πŸ“Œ 7 - https://crosti.ru/patterns/view/1992980 πŸ“Œ 8 - https://kulturologia.ru/blogs/020716/30245 πŸ“Œ 9 - https://vincentmars.com/2021/06/27/x-underrated-benefits-of-reading-every-day πŸ“Œ 10 - https://blogs.7iskusstv.com/?p=43791 πŸ“Œ 11 - http://www.akmaya.ru/post374891954 πŸ“Œ 12 - https://www.mirartegaleria.com/2016/07/tango-cuadros-de-parejas-danzando-oleos.html πŸ“Œ 13 - https://proza.ru/2022/05/08/1396 ↕↕↕ πŸ“ WHERE ? πŸ‡«πŸ‡· France [Video] πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ United States of America [Book] πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ United States of America [Audiobook] πŸ•“ WHEN ? πŸŽ† 2023 (πŸŽ₯ Video) πŸŽ† 2022 (πŸ“– Audiobook) πŸŽ† 1946 (πŸ““ Book) πŸ”– React with official Hashtags: #Etoile #ETL #eDition πŸ’Œ Contact: etoilecontactetl@gmail.com


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