
Affichage des articles du septembre, 2022

🎚️ NEON | Photoshop Preset Styles for Text and Image (FREE DOWNLOAD)

✔️ DOWNLOAD: 💡HOW ? 🔽 Transparent neon preset for photoshop (to be used preferably on a black background, be careful the presets may not work on a white or very light background). 📓 Method: 👟 1 - Click on a Photoshop layer. 👟 2 - Once clicked, a window opens, select the "styles" menu on the left columns. 👟 3 - Once done, click on the gear icon (⚙️). 👟 3 - You can load by importing the styles called "NEON | Photoshop Preset Styles for Text and Image (FREE DOWNLOAD) [WWW.ETOILE.APP].asl". Enjoy! - Music (🎵) = COPY & PASTE [---] - Video (🎥) = COPY & PASTE [~~~] - Preset (🎚️) = COPY & PASTE [☼☼☼] - Typeface (🖊️) = COPY & PASTE [•••] ℹ️ How to use Video: ℹ️ How to use Presets: ℹ️ How to use Typeface: ℹ️ How to use Music: Although t...

🎉 Welcome eDition

"The art of eDition is to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect." 💢Youtube : 💢Facebook : 💢Twitter : 💢Tumblr : 💢Instagram : 💢Flickr : 💢Odysee : 💢VK : 💢Archive : 💢 Dailymotion : 💢 Pinterest : 👍Paypal : 👍Patreon : 👍uTip : 👍Tipeee : 💌 ⭐ 💡HOW ? 🔽 ♾️ The links : - For Music (🎵) = COPY & PASTE [---] - For Video (🎥) = COPY & P...
Elbert Hubbard “God will not look you over for medals, degrees or diplomas but for scars.” Painting by Angerer der Aeltere illustration by Laurent Guidali Www.Etoile.App  
Roy T. Bennett book: The Light in the Heart “Keep Going Your hardest times often lead to the greatest moments of your life. Keep going. Tough situations build strong people in the end.” Painting by ? illustration by Laurent Guidali Www.Etoile.App  
Rob Siltanen “Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.” Painting by Doodle Boom illustration by Laurent Guidali Www.Etoile.App  
Maya Angelou “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Painting by David Irvine illustration by Laurent Guidali Www.Etoile.App  
Niccolò Machiavelli Translated from Italian 🇮🇹 “All courses of action are risky, so prudence is not in avoiding danger (it's impossible), but calculating risk and acting decisively. Make mistakes of ambition and not mistakes of sloth. Develop the strength to do bold things, not the strength to suffer.” Book (The Prince) Illustration by Laurent Guidali Sculpture by Lorenzo Bartolini   Www.Etoile.App  
Steve Maraboli « I can’t control your behavior; Nor do I want that burden… But I will not apologize for Refusing to be disrespected, To be lied to, or to be mistreated. I have standards; Step up or step out. » Illustration by Laurent Guidali Painting by Yvan Favre Www.Etoile.App  
Paulo Coelho Translated from Portuguese (Brazil) 🇧🇷 Sometimes you have to travel a long Way to find what is near Illustration by Laurent Guidali Painting by Garmash Www.Etoile.App  
Pier Paolo Pasolini Translated from Italian 🇮🇹 It’s so hard to say in a son’s words what I’m so little like in my heart. Only you in all the world know what my heart always held, before any other love. So, I must tell you something terrible to know: From within your kindness my anguish grew. You’re irreplaceable. And because you are, the life you gave me is condemned to loneliness. And I don’t want to be alone. I have an infinite hunger for love, love of bodies without souls. For the soul is inside you, it is you, but you’re my mother and your love’s my slavery: My childhood I lived a slave to this lofty incurable sense of an immense obligation. It was the only way to feel life, the unique form, sole color; now, it’s over. We survive, in the confusion of a life reborn outside reason. I pray you, oh, I pray: Do not hope to die. I’m here, alone, with you, in a future April… Illustration by Laurent Guidali Www.Etoile.App  
Aristotle Translated from ancient Greek 🇬🇷 “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is not an act, But a habit.” Painting by Ronnie Wood Illustration by Laurent Guidali Www.Etoile.App  
Robert Brault “Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.” Painting by Maria Oosthuizen Illustration by Laurent Guidali Www.Etoile.App  
                                                                   Arthur Schopenhauer ( Essays and Aphorisms ) 🇩🇪 Translated from German “When we read, another person thinks for us: we merely repeat his mental process. In learning to write, the pupil goes over with his pen what the teacher has outlined in pencil: so in reading; the greater part of the work of thought is already done for us. This is why it relieves us to take up a book after being occupied with our own thoughts. And in reading, the mind is, in fact, only the playground of another’s thoughts. So it comes about that if anyone spends almost the whole day in reading, and by way of relaxation devotes the intervals to some thoughtless pastime, he gradually loses the capacity for thinking; just as the man who always rides, at last forgets how to walk. This ...
Louis-Ferdinand Celine 🇫🇷 Translated from French « Experience is a dim lamp, which only lights the one who bears it. » Illustration by Laurent Guidali Painting by Laura Iverson Www.Etoile.App  
Leo Tolstoy 🇷🇺 Translated from Russian “Only people who are capable of loving strongly can also suffer great sorrow, but this same necessity of loving serves to counteract their grief and heals them.” Illustration by Laurent Guidali Painting by Mark Spain Www.Etoile.App  
Arthur Schopenhauer 🇩🇪 Translated from German "One should use common words to say uncommon things." Illustration by Laurent Guidali Www.Etoile.App