Su Shi
Staying up All Night on New Year’s Eve
Translated from ancient Chinese 🇨🇳
«The end of the year is drawing near
As a snake crawls back to its hole.
We see half its body disappear
And soon we’ll lose sight of the whole.
If we try to tie down its tail,
We can’t succeed whate’ er we do.
Children will stay up and regale
Themselves with feast the whole night through.
Cocks, wake not the dawn with your song;
Drums, do not boom out the hour now!
The wick is burned as I sit long,
I rise to see the slanting Plough.
Will there be no New Year’s Eve next year?
I am afraid time waits for none.
Let us enjoy tonight with cheer
So that childhood will longer run.»
Illustration By Laurent Guidali
Painting by Leonid Afremov
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