1 - 1 The concept of the collective unconscious The concept of the collective unconscious in Carl Gustav Jung's analytical psychology is complex and profound. Nature of the Collective Unconscious: The collective unconscious is a fundamental component of the unconscious, but it distinguishes itself from the personal unconscious. While the personal unconscious is shaped by each individual's unique experiences, the collective unconscious transcends these individual experiences and is considered a layer of the unconscious shared by all of humanity. Universal Sharing: According to Jung, every human being, regardless of cultural, social, or geographical origin, has access to the collective unconscious. It is a psychic dimension common to the entire human race, and each individual is intrinsically connected to it. Universal Archetypes: A crucial feature of the collective unconscious is the presence of archetypes. Archetypes are universal patterns, symbols, or images that manifest acro...
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Psychoanalytic Psychology - Founder: Sigmund Freud (1856-1939). - Key Concepts: - Unconscious: Freud believed that many mental processes occur at the level of the unconscious, influencing behavior and emotions. - Psychic conflicts: Freud emphasized internal conflicts between different parts of the personality, particularly between the conscious and unconscious mind. - Psychosexual development: Freud developed a theory of development in multiple stages, associated with erogenous zones of the body (oral, anal, phallic, latent, and genital stages). - Dreams and symbolism: Freud placed significant importance on dream interpretation as a means to access the unconscious. - Therapeutic Methods: - Psychoanalysis: Freud developed psychoanalysis as a method for treating mental disorders. It involves regular sessions where the patient freely talks, exploring unconscious thoughts and feelings. - Critiques: - Psychoanalysis has...