
Affichage des articles du juillet, 2023
Arnold Schwarzenegger “I’Il be back.” Modelization by John Pitre Illustration by Laurent Guidali Www.Etoile.App  
Tired Angel “I’m tired” Painting by Alexandre Cabanel Illustration by Laurent Guidali Www.Etoile.App  
Willie Nelson “Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, You’il start having positive results.” Modelization by Jean-Marc Janiaczyk Illustration by Laurent Guidali Www.Etoile.App  
Carl Gustav Jung Translated from German “Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.” Modelization by Steven Stahlberg Illustration by Laurent Guidali Www.Etoile.App  
Jean-Jacques Rousseau Translated from French ““Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.”” Illustration by Laurent Guidali Www.Etoile.App  
Andre Breton Translated from French “Love is when you meet someone who tells you something new about yourself.” Illustration by Laurent Guidali Www.Etoile.App  
Victor Hugo Translated from French “Our mind is enriched by what we receive, our heart by what we give.” Painting by Fabian Perez Illustration by Laurent Guidali Www.Etoile.App  
Kahlil Gibran “Between what is said and not meant, and what is meant and not said, most of love is lost.” Painting by Fabian Perez Illustration by Laurent Guidali Www.Etoile.App  
Rainer Maria Rilke Translated from German “Don’t think that the person who is trying to comfort you now lives untroubled among the simple and quiet words that sometimes give you much pleasure. His life has much trouble and sadness, and remains far behind yours. If it were otherwise, he would never have been able to find those words.” Illustration by Laurent Guidali Www.Etoile.App  
Diane de Beausacq Translated from French “Your true friend is the one who doesn’t let anything slide and forgives you for everything.” Illustration by Laurent Guidali Www.Etoile.App  
Leonardo Da Vinci Translated from Italian “The painter has the Universe in his mind and hands.” Painting by Mark Spain Illustration by Laurent Guidali Www.Etoile.App  
Carl Gustav Jung Translated from German “My soul leads me into the desert, into the desert of my own self. I did not think that my soul is a desert, a barren, hot desert, dusty and without drink. The journey leads through hot sand, slowly wading without a visible goal to hope for? How eerie is this wasteland. It seems to me that the way leads so far away from mankind. I take my way step by step, and do not know how long my journey will last. Why is my self a desert? Have I lived too much outside of myself in men and events? Why did I avoid my self? Was I not dear to myself? But I have avoided the place of my soul. I was my thoughts, after I was no longer events and other men. But I was not my self, confronted with my thoughts. I should also rise up above my thoughts to my own self. My journey goes there, and that is why it leads away from men and events into solitude. Is it solitude, to be with oneself? Solitude is true only when the self is a desert.” Illustration by Laurent Guidali W...
Shawn Ashmore “Style is a reflexion of your attitude and your personality.” Illustration by Laurent Guidali Www.Etoile.App  
Dante Alighieri Translated from Italian “Beauty awakens the soul to act.” Illustration by Laurent Guidali Www.Etoile.App  
Paul Valery Translated from French “The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up.” Illustration by Laurent Guidali Www.Etoile.App  
Rainer Maria Rilke Translated from German Book: Letters to a Young Poet “After all, people have turned eating into something other: on the one hand need, on the other an abundance that has dimmed the sharpness of that need, while all the deep and simple necessities whereby life is renewed have likewise been rendered dim. Yet individuals can, of themselves, clarify, and live clearly (if not the dependent individual, then the solitary one at least). The individual can take pains to remember that all beauty in creatures and plants is a silent, enduring form of love and yearning, and can see the creature as he sees the plant, patiently and willingly, uniting and multiplying and growing, not out of physical pleasure, not out of physical pain, but bowing to necessities greater than pleasure or pain, and more powerful than willing or resisting. Oh, if only human beings could accept this mystery, with which the world is filled even it its smallest things, more humbly and suffer it more serious...
Pierre-Auguste Renoir Translated from French “Art is about emotion; If art needs to be explained it is no longer art.” Painting by Mark Spain Illustration by Laurent Guidali Www.Etoile.App  
Carl Sagan “Who are we? We find that we live on an insignificant planet of a humdrum star lost in a galaxy tucked away in some forgotten corner of a universe in which there are far more galaxies than people.” Illustration by Laurent Guidali Www.Etoile.App  
Farid F Ibrahim “True love is like wine, It gets stronger with age.” Illustration by Laurent Guidali Www.Etoile.App